We Make Great Internet Radio, IRGUK.

We're the first group in the UK to have launched a network of local radio stations that broadcast purely on the internet. We pride ourselves on playing the best mix of music across all of our stations, and we've been doing it for 7 years!

Set up in 2011 under the name Premier Radio Group, IRGUK (Internet Radio Group UK) set up its first ever station and launched it on the 25/12 back in 2013.

Our first station, Baxenden Radio, was a community radio station for the residents of Baxenden. The station was operational for over two years and gained a significant number of listener hours per month.

In 2016 we established the CamRadio brand and launched CamRadio Lancashire in September of that year. CamRadio Derbyshire soon followed in April of 2017. Following the successful launches of the CamRadio brand, we created Cam2 which plays a mix of 80s and 90s music and launched it with a UK wide TA in July 2017.

See our full portfolio